This is no disrespect to whoever your hero may be under the large umbrella of street photographers. I respect and acknowledge Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alfred Eisenstaedt, and Garry Winogrand (Who dedicated a project to women; entitled "Women are Beautiful"), and all of their work. However, I want to push Helen Levitt (A female photographer) to the fore front and display some of my favorite pieces by her.
Street photography is more like secretly intruding in people's lives; capturing some of their most publicly private moments. Moments, such as playing with friends, walking down a street, tying your shoe laces, or even staring out of the window of your apartment are captured on film. Helen Levitt is like an O.G. of street photography and one if my favorites because she took most of her pictures right here in NYC. Instead of going in depth on her work, and rambling on about how amazing I think she is, I'll let her work speak for her.

these are all great photographs.. i love photos that tell a story .. but still has enough mystery to make you ask a ton of questions... cause i have a question for every picture.. but i still love the mystery cause i could make up my own story. but i wanna know what that little boy did in that first flick lol!!! & where those little girls are heading off too.. looking like they about to get in some trouble.. specially the one with her hand on her "hip" lol... my bad.. im just rambling lol..!!
LMAO at the lil boy gettin popped..prolly for gettin fresh SMH and LMAO even harder at the lil boy lookin under the lil girl's dress..i agree with your notion whole heartedly lol..but i love pictures and even wanted to get into photography at one point but my sporadic brain never allows me to settle on one thing for long lol